Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Islamic Women in the Socio-Political World Case Study

Islamic Women in the Socio-Political World - Case Study Example As the report stresses the society covered by the virtues and rules of Islamic religion can be observed and be seen to have a patriarchal form where male dominates the female. This is where we get to see the real and the original role of women in the Islamic society. This paper discusses that part of the teachings of the Q’uran is for women to be submissive to their husbands especially after marriage. It is also said that a woman has no right to talk with other male other than her husband or close relatives. Going over what is mandated and what is expected for women to do is against the Q’uran. However, this kind of belief and practices no matter how oppressive as seen by many feminists and critics continue to spread and obviously still being practiced to places where Islam resides. But going deeper to the subject of women’s oppressive role in the Islamic society, there can be no doubt that women for their part somehow influence male as they make decisions that affect political and economical status. It is interesting to know that the fact that they are submissive to their husbands, they can still affect these decisions, even if they are out of power. Power and influence the book The Heritage of Islam claims are not the same or co-terminous. The quoted line above gives us an inkling that women are significant in the society not because we are arguing about existence but because the effect of women’s influence to male’s decision-making that most of the times is indirectly done and indirectly observed. This situation has long been observed by women and therefore in answer to this need or rather call for change, they have also decided to take part in the different challenges that male have been facing since time immemorial. In the same book by Creevey, it can be understood that with the search for bigger roles in the society, this in now the very famous words we call 'women empowerment.' The goal of this paper is not merely to check what empowerment of women means, or what the process is. This is just however to simply reiterate the events and factors that affected Islamic women to come out of their shells being oppressed masked by the role of a wife to their husbands. The Heritage of women somehow gives us a glimpse of this abrupt change in the status and giving the Western African as an example, we could see how women tried to rise from the simple roles of just being a wife. Nowhere in West Africa do women control the political structures or dominate the political process. In all West African countries they are permitted to

Monday, February 3, 2020

Laundering Control Law Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Laundering Control Law - Article Example For this reasons, officials in charge of seeing over the major operations completed by businessmen and other traders around the world have found definite ways to control the procedures to which financial assets are exchanged between parties involved. The money laundering control laws are basically established to create better chances for the financial resources to be distributed at least as evenly as possible towards the people really needed and are working hard for the gaining of such resources. It is through the establishment of this law that money is distributed to people in a rather considerable manner that everyone needing it actually is given proper consideration. In UK, financial solicitors are subjected to different investigative procedures before they could actually declare the money they hand out to be clean and free of any particular issue. However, because of the intelligent approach of those who have particular ill propositions on the part of earning money, the development of money laundering procedures have come into realization on the part of commercial progress. Through this, money taken from ill procedures is made clean and is thus utilized freely in the market as it is distributed from one handler to another. Under the UK common law, the establishment of money laundering as a pa... In the paragraphs that follow, an examination of the truths behind money laundering's actual cases shall be presented as to how they directly affect the modern UK society and how the said country's community faces the challenge of imbalanced distribution of wealth not only within their own nation abut around the globe. About Money Laundering As mentioned earlier, money laundering is a basic process of making money resourced out from illegal and immoral resources are made clean through hidden case declarations making it easier for the owner of the said amount of finance have a practical possibility of spending the money in the society in a free manner. Declaring where money came from is an important part of modern commerce. Why is this so' Money of course is known for being used as a universal trading asset. Hence, if the money came from an illegal source and has not been declared as one that appears to be the reality that it is, then the possibility of controlling crime is lost thus resulting to a more imbalanced process of distributing the wealth and finances that people around the community directly deserve to receive. Financial crimes such as tax evasion and false accounting declaration are only among the most rampant financial crimes existent in the society today. These crimes have been viewed as particular sources of business as well as community tensions as the wealth kept by those who are already having a great control of the economy are viewed as stolen money from the society who had been working hard for the said amount of finances. For this reason, there is a good push that makes money laundering control law the basic adjudications that financing